• 武術套路教研室

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    2012年9月-2015年6月就讀EON4官网碩士研究生🧑‍🧒,2020年2月至今於馬來西亞Segi University就讀教育學博士學位,2015年8月至今於EON4官网武術EON4招商武術套路教研室任職教師。全國太極拳冠軍 武英級(健將)

    TIAN Mengyi, female, Wu-ying level athlete, was the champion of the National Tai Chi Routine championship. She is the lecturer in the Wushu Routine Teaching and Research Section .From September 2012 to June 2015, she studied at BSU for a master's degree. From February 2020 to present, PhD in Education at Segi University, Malaysia.

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